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Delhi University Linguistics Club
The Club



Delhi University Linguistics Club (DULC) was established on June 13,2001 by one of the Alumini of the department. Though the club was initially floated as an e-group of some firends. It has grown many fold now. The present Aim of the club is primarily to have common platform for enhanced communication among the current students, alumini and the faculty members of the Department of Linguistics, University of Delhi. We want to make this forum as useful as possible, keeping this in mind we haven't restricted the membership of this exclusively for people affiliated to Delhi University and we invited people who have been visiting the department most often. Recently it has been open to everyone.

We hope the forum will prove beneficial specially for the new-comers in linguitics at Delhi University and they can use the club to ask questions to senior members and professors raising their research topics. We also appeal to the alumini spread around the globe, senior members and faculty to initiate discussion on important linguistics issues and participate actively in the disucssions.


Our Present Moderators are:
1. Prerna Bhardwaj prernabhardwaj@yahoo.com

2. Manideepa Patnaik patnaik@fas.harvard.edu

3. Vijay Thakur vthakur@uiuc.edu

4. Kukum Chatterjee kukumchatterjee@yahoo.com

5. Sadaf Munshi smunshi2000@yahoo.com


Have a Question about Anything Linguistics? Ask Our DULC CRACKJACK TEAM. It could be anything about Linguistics, be it linguistics Programs in India or outside, Careers/Jobs, Linguists, Software, Programs. We will try our best to answer your question. And Yes, If you would like to help others with the answers to other member/non-members question you are most welcome to post it to our website. So, don't just wait, don't be hesitant. Drop us a line , click the link below. Young linguist friends or those who are thinking of taking linguistics are especially encouraged.